Group session

- Group sessions are the traditional way Family constellations occurred for years.
- other people participate in your constellation.
- the collective energy and dynamic of the group can be a profound experience for both the
- participant and the person having the constellation done.
- can be very useful when you work on a significant issue and want a major shift in your life.
- the group dynamic can help amplify the energy shift.
- the constellation can move faster when there is a group dynamic at play.
- some people come a long to a group session as a representative first to experience the
- Family constellation process. Family Constellations group structure

How Family Constellations works in a group setting?

When having your own Family Constellation done, you state the situation you want to look at. The facilitator asks you a couple of simple factual questions from a constellations point of view.

You select representatives from the group to represent the people involved in your situation and place them in the middle of the room where it feels right and in relation to each other.

You then step away and let the constellation unfold.

The representatives will start to experience the hidden dynamics of your situation, this phenomenon is known as the 'Knowing Field'.

The facilitator will help guide the Constellation to a resolution which can be life changing for the client.

As the constellation is unfolding the shift in energy can be felt.

You can choose to attend a group session as a representative and experience the 'knowing field'. Or you can have your own Constellation done and also help as a representative in other people’s Constellations.

Why be a representative in a group session?

- you can experience the contellation process and the knowing field of energy
- you can experience the process before you have your own constellation
- you don't need any special skills to be a representative, just be open.
- you help another person by being a representativeof one of the people of their issue
- you can also relise insights into your own issues by being a representative
- you feel the shift in energy from the beginning to the end of a constellation
- you stand in the knowing field which allows the person have a major shift with their issue as they
- can be removed from it and watch you and others represent the situation

My first experience as a representative.

Business Constellations:

Business constellations can be done in a group setting or privately and works in a similar way to a personal issue.

The dynamics that unfold, may be hidden dynamics within the organisation or the people within it.

In the constellation you may wish to look at things like:
- blocked energy or challenges between employees/employer,
- conflict resolution,
- team work.
- business issues
- leadership issues
- financial issues
- performance issues

"I was going for a new job and even though it was a job I knew I could do, I was feeling very overwhelmed and unsure. The constellation really helped me deal with some things that were holding me back. Now I feel more clear, lighter energetically and confident within myself and ready to live my full potential."
S.B (Vic)

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If you would like to have a constellation please contact us for private sessions or click on the payment details for the group sessions.

4th Australian Constellations intensive

September 2018 workshop


M.B ( Melbourne)

My marriage ended more than 7 years ago. Yet I have not had a lasting relationship since.

Since the constellation I feel like I can finally move on and have the love I deserve.

C. B. ( Sydney)

I have struggled with my finances most of my life. I would have never thought a process so simple could be so effective.

Since the constellation I have had new opportunities and abundance come into my life. Thank you

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