Couples - where do we first learn how to be in a relationship?

Love between partners requires the renunciation of our first and most intimate love, our love as a child for our parents.
Only when a boy's attachment either loving or resentful -to his mother is resolved can he give himself fully to his partner and enter manhood. A girl's attachment to her father must also be resolved before she can give herself to her partner and be a woman.
Successful togetherness demands the sacrifice and transformation of our earliest child bond to our parents – the boy to his mother and the girl to her father.
Extract from the book
Love's hidden Symmetry, what makes love work in relationships.
By: Bert Hellinger, Gunthard Weber & Hunter Beaumont

When we have not resolved these relationships with our parents, it can affect our ability to have or maintain our relationships as adults or our ability to be fully in our power as a man, husband, father or a women, wife, mother.

There are many hidden dynamics in relationships, If we recognise we still have unresolved issues with our parents, or maybe we don’t recognise this but our relationships are no existent or strained- what can we do?

Is your relationship happy?

Orders of love:

In loving relationships, there is an order of priority. First there is the love of a man and woman. That is the basis for a family, it refers to the first wife and the first husband. They come together and the result of their love is their children. The children are the fruits of the parents love, so they come second in priority. The couple relationship has priority over parenthood. A man draws strength for fatherhood from his love for his wife. When he loves his children, he is also loving his wife in his children. A woman draws the strength for motherhood from the man at her side. The works well if she loves her children by loving her husband in the children.

Children are happy when their parents' love for them is also the parents' love for each other in the children. Children feel happiest/safe when they experience their parents as a couple, and in that situation, they find comfort and order.

The love between a couple is not the only source of strength for being a parent: there is also the strength that comes from the parents' families of origin. Poor relationships often stem from poor connections with one or both parents or unfinished business with previous partners. Once this is cleared in a constellation you may be free to make new choices.

Blended families:

In blended family there is a lot to do with order of who came first. When 2nd or 3rd partners do not recognise, or honour previous partners and their place as coming before them it can cause tension in relationships. The same goes for children from previous relationships.

As a rule, a new wife must not become involved with things that concern the children of her husband's prior relationships. she has to communicate to them through thr father or communicate that their own mothers are the right ones for them and that she is only their fathers wife. Then the children feel safe.


Private couple sessions (live in Melbourne):
Constellation $420 (per person - $210)
Payment can be made via the link below (note your statement may say Spandah Pty Ltd)

Total payment of session ($420) Add to Basket

If you would like to pay seperately ($210) each click

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Allow 2 - 2 1/2 hrs for a session (must book and pay prior to session)

3 package deal:
- 1 individual constellation partner 1 (normally $330)
- 1 individual constellation partner 2 (normally $330)
- a joint couple constellation- where both partners are together (normally $420)
Normally totals $1080
3 pack discount $900 (paided in full before 1st session)
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you will both need to fill in the agreement/consent form.
Either when booking or on links below:

Agreement form:

Please fill in the agreement form prior to the session
Click here - online version
Click here - word version
or click here to download form (PDF version)
and email completed form.

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S. T ( Sydney)

My business was loosing money and clients. After doing a constellation on my business, I was able to see hidden dynamics that I hadn't seen before.

Business is picking up and I have more drive then I have had in a long time.

I have tried counselling and other processes for years. I can’t believe it took only a few constellation sessions and I feel like this issue is resolved and I can get on with my life.

I wish I found constellations years ago.
Thank you